Another lapse in posting - was away from internet for a while in there!
1. Awesome beaded earrings by my artist friend "Peaceful Frog" - aka Carrie, she's chosen to name her new jewelry business by her Nisga'a name. She'll have tables of her wares coming up at a school in North Van as well as the National Aboriginal Day celebration, June 21, 2016 at Trout Lake park in East Vancouver. These are a lot of work and made from quality beads, I picked up a pair of turtles and wolves, the pic doesn't do them justice though and these pieces have great vibes like their creator!
2. Researching Fatty Liver. On the topic of learning more about health and nutrition, fatty liver was something I never really heard of but apparently it's super common. More reason to love your liver by detoxing from alcohol and other toxic foods and eating more bitter plants. Here are a few links.
Do you have the protruding belly? It may not be fat, it may be your liver. youtube video by Dr. Eric Berg
How to reverse a fatty liver. youtube video by Dr. Eric Berg
Heavy teens run risk of severe liver damage. NBC news article
House call: Do you have a fatty liver? youtube video by Dr. Mark Hyman
With my ongoing obsession with Candida I wondered if there could be a link between the two. Why not:
Candida, Gallbladder and Fatty Liver Disease. youtube video by Candida Crusher
Further more fatty liver doesn't just happen in obese or alcoholic people, here's a description of Non alcoholic fatty liver disease as described on youtube by Dr. Robert Brown
On the bright side the liver is the only internal organ that can regenerate itself.
3. Yellow split peas. They have lots of health benefits as described in this livestrong article, in particular pea protein is high in branch chain amino acids as described in this Shape article.
4. Love Spirits vs Denial Spirits - Origins of "Good and Evil" - stealing of soul energies. youtube video by Tobias Lars
5. Natural treatment and causes of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) fibroids and cysts. youtube video by Montrealhealthygirl.
6. "They Live" 1988 movie directed by John Carpenter based on a short story by Ray Nelson. This is awesome, about a guy who finds sunglasses that allows him to see through the masks of humans who are actually controlling aliens. If this story has any truth in it, it could explain so much! Never seen this before but heard about it via this video list by deep diving youtuber Infinite Waters - aka Ralph Smart: 10 Films that will make you question everything!