1. Exciting art shows: Helen Opie has a show on now through April 20th at ARTsPLACE Gallery in Annapolis Royal. The title "Helen 4.2, fourth cycle" refers to her place, in her early 80's, at the start of her 4th astrological "27 year cycle" - I think this is referring to the Saturn Return. Helen will be giving an artist talk Saturday April 16th at 2pm.
and Raymond Chow, an established BC artist who moved recently to Nova Scotia, has an opening this coming Thursday April 7th 6-8 pm at Art 1274 Hollis.
2. Best caption for a photo, ever, IMO, spotted on google while looking for inspirational pics of papier mache sculpture
"Chocolate eggs are not very good for animals, so these ones were made of
papier mache filled with juicy treats such as mealworms."
It went with these pics of various primates on the blog for a Wildlife Park.
3. Some videos about gratitude.
Oprah's Gratitude Journal, Oprah's Lifeclass
Gratitude - Ted talk by Louie Schwartzberg
The Extraordinary Power of Gratitude - reading of Chapter 7 "Gratitude" from The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles.
Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey - Abundance and Gratitude
This is interesting too, where Esther Hicks describes the different between gratitude and appreciation in this youtube video: "the emotion of appreciation versus the attitude of gratitude".
4. Houzz TV Youtube video of a guy who turned his home into a playland for rescued cats
5. This John Bergman Lecture on youtube "The Cure for 97% of Diseases"
6. youtube video from Rewire Me: Dr. Joe Dispenza: How to rewire the brain and recondition the body
and this Coast to Coast interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza
7. A couple new Infinite Waters videos, on the Emerald Tablets and How to Stop Being Controlled by People (According to a Psychologist).
8. New human body research topic, "Adrenal Fatigue".
Here's a Dr. Rostenberg youtube video about it "Adrenal Fatigue - How to Treat and Beat the Effects of Stress" super informative, but his advice to eat many meals throughout the day is counter to other people that recommend intermittent fasting and fasting between mealtimes. personally I've decided the compromise is to not fast when the body gets real hunger signals, as presumably this would create stress.
and How to Heal Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue by Dr. John Bergman
and How to Lower Cortisol by Dr. Eric Berg. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. This one actually recommends only having 2 - 3 meals/day
9. The StarshipsStartHere.ca website, especially this pic of Kirk vs. Gorn at the Peggy's Cove Lighthouse
10. speaking of space, a lot videos from the Bob Sanders youtube channel. His stuff is pretty "out there" but anything is possible and he has a soothing voice. eg,
Why are we here! short answer, to raise energy of ourselves and the planet... unless you're part of the archons (psychopaths?) in which case you want to cause the waste and destruction of and to make people hate eachother. This is possibly a happy reason why cute cat videos go viral and may, from this perspective, actually be a better thing to pay attention to than bad news. It also potentially explains a lot about politics in a lot of places.
here's another:
Archons and Ascension which includes a unique anti-fracking argument