Monday, July 13, 2015

This (past two) Week's Favourite Things! Monday June 29 - Sunday July 12, 2015

1.   Youtube interview with Sam Vaknin (a self-aware narcissist/psychopath) on "How to Deal With Narcissists and Psychopaths in the Workplace"

2.  Psychopath Versus Empath: The War Between Truth and Deception (article from The Mind Unleashed).

Speaking of stopping cancer (an analogy made in the article above), the next points include some links about people who stopped their diseases with nutrition! ... as within, so without... I haven't been diagnosed with any of the illnesses the next links are about but know people who have

3.  Interview with mature athlete Bill Vick: How I'm beating IPF disease Part one (breaking muscle magazine).  And part two, another interview with Bill one year later.  The IPF diagnosis (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) is given out as a death sentence, however Bill Vick talks about how he stopped the spread of his condition through lifestyle and following a Paleo diet.  Inspiring!

4.  Youtube Video:  Fasting and 100% raw vegan diet helped reverse stage 3 kidney disease.  Yup.

5.  BBC article about how apples are good for your lungs

6.  20 Minute Yoga Series Increases Lung Capacity 

7.  Googling articles about Adult Children of Alcoholics, these traits can be shared by those growing up in homes with other hard circumstances such as a home with a chronically ill or morbidly obese parent or strict religious  background.   Here's an article about being in a relationship with an ACoA

8. Mother Earth News article: Possum Living: Living well without a job and (almost no) money.  This has excerpts from the book with that title written by Dolly Freed (a made up name) in the 70's.  

9. This Oncology Nurse Quit her job after 17 years to spread the truth about cancer.    I found this on the higher perspective website but the youtube video is awesome, so is the whole "Chris Beat Cancer" youtube channel.  The intro video is good: What every cancer patient needs to know.  Love it, nutrition works.  I knew two older ladies; one in her 60's and one in her 80's who got diagnosed with cancer.  The younger took it as a death sentence and ate steaks till she passed.  The older one managed to shrink her tumour with diet, eg, she ate a lot of pomegranates, despite her doctor telling her it wasn't possible to reverse cancer.  MmmHmm... 

10. The realization that by studying biology at McGill technically I have about 25% of a Medical Doctor degree.  We took all the same courses as doctors for about the first 3 years.  Cell biology!  so all this healing the body with nutrition stuff makes sense to me.  The human body is just a big bag of cells undergoing a lot of chemical reactions, so it makes sense that all chronic diseases are manifestations of things like nutrient deficiencies or chronic inflammation.   Eg, here's a good comprehensive article about inflammation.  I'd include Nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants), GMOs, Candida overgrowth, and parasites as other potential causes of inflammation; hence the success I think people have following a raw vegan diet with lots of juices and anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory foods, makes sense that raw plants help since parasites thrive on cooked foods, and most fruits and vegetables are alkaline forming, not acid forming like sugars, grains, dairy and meats.  Inflammation: a common denominator of disease.

11.  My pet theory that the increase of shark attacks in the US has some sort of correlation to the nonstop screenings of Shark Documentaries on the History Channel lately for Shark Week or whatever.  I'm such a big believer in the law of attraction I actually worried a bit at the beach last week that maybe I'd attract a shark from watching all this stuff.  I didn't but thought about it when I read that there has been an increase of shark attacks in the Carolinas.  Maybe it would be fun if someone came up with a Mind Science department in some university and looked at whether there's a correlation between Shark doc screenings on cable tv and shark sightings/ attacks.  We might discover our minds are more powerful than we realized...

12.  More big picture thinking:  a reason why I never went to medical school though I could have, was that I didn't feel comfortable having people's lives in my hands.  It's a lot of power.  Hats off to the empathic people who take this on, like the awesome surgeon I had  for my back.  But, aha, so if psychopaths are drawn to positions of power, what if there are a bunch in the medical professions? They speak with such authority that it would just take a few to do a lot of damage (eg, look at what Hitler accomplished).   This could explain the issues that the oncology nurse listed above had with cancer treatment being ineffective to the point where she got fed up and quit her profession - a psychopath wouldn't care if chemotherapy wrecks people's immune systems and makes people sick.  It could also explain the widespread use of treatments that were found later on to be ineffective, like lobotomies.

So maybe someone needs to take a good hard look at the medical systems in place in North America and decide if, like our ridiculous fiat currency banking system, some psychopaths may have muckled their ways into position of power and are abusing these positions to do more harm than good to people.  This Youtube video indicates that perhaps this is the case:  .  Look:  The Rockefeller Drug Empire
Uh oh.  Everybody: quick: buy a juicer to juice up some vegetables (highly recommend: beet, carrot, ginger, celery with an apple for a bit of sweetness), replace your lawn with kale and beans, eat a lot of salad, and read up on psychopathy....

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