Wednesday, August 5, 2015

This Week's Favourite Things! Monday July 27th - Sunday August 2nd, 2015

1.  Great art shows opened in Halifax this past week!  Here are pics from Evgenia Makogon's new show inspired by Peggy's Cove - on at the Teichert Gallery (in the same building as the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia) until Aug 31.  Nearby on Barrington St at Argyle Fine Art, is amazing new work by Halifamous oil painter Gordon MacDonald and ceramic artist Toni Losey.  Links to pics of the pieces can be found here.

2.  All the pouches of Organic Traditions superfood that are available at Bulk Barn and I think I saw some at Healthy Bug too.  It's awesome - I've been buying the raw organic cocoa for awhile but this past week picked up raw cocoa butter and chlorella.  Chlorella is a dried algae that is apparently great for detoxing heavy metals and chemicals from one's system because it binds to them.  This article even points out that taking chlorella is recommended when people get old silver fillings containing mercury replaced. [note Aug 9th - I felt pretty feverish and irritable after taking chlorella for awhile and have since read up on detoxing. apparently you have to be careful because there's a risk that the chlorella will drag out toxins that will get reabsorbed into your blood if you don't also take lots of fiber and stuff like cilantro.  Anyhow it's worth researching further]

3.  No, You're Not A Psychopath. Helpful article from the psychopath free forum for folks recovering from run ins with psychopaths.  This is interesting too, from the same forum: "It's Not About You". 

4. This Doreen Virtue blog post about manifesting that actually gives a good explanation of the Hermetic Law of Polarity. 

5.  What the Cancer Industry doesn't want you to know - youtube video by Freelee the Banana Girl. This has a bunch of clips of various videos she found and is pretty interesting. 

6.  This CTV article about a study underway at University of Toronto to see if probiotics can help people with bipolar disorder.  Good to see proper research investigating the mind/gut connection, as I wonder how many people are getting diagnosed with mental illnesses that could be remedied by addressing things like lack of proper nutrition, magnesium deficiencies, food sensitivities to things like sugar, dairywheat, caffeine, as well as overall gut health.  

Anyways you are what you eat.  Speaking of which:

7.  Good to see the global uproar against the poaching of Cecil the Lion, as sad as the story was - hopefully this effects some positive change that will prevent other animals from ending up poached.  More airlines are already banning the transport of animal trophies, thanks in part to a petition.   It would be awesome if, as well as the anti-trophy hunting movement, more people could feel the same outrage over how factory farmed animals are fed  (with lots of GMOs) -  and treated (animal cruelty).  My hypothesis is that people would be more chill in general if they ate more raw plants and boycotted factory farmed animal products by instead buying from small farms and farmer's markets.  No more people eating sick, fearful, abused, malnourished animals which are possibly making people sick, fearful, malnourished and abused.  Then more people could make a living growing food in small sustainable ways thus promoting a more happy, healthy lifestyle for producers and consumers alike where people felt so much harmony with nature they wouldn't want to trophy hunt in the first place... wouldn't that be a nice tribute for Cecil "King of the Beasts".

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