Monday, October 19, 2015

This Week's Favourite Things! Monday October 12th - Sunday October 19th 2015

1.  Kejimkujik National Park (aka Keji).  The Park officially shuts on Thanksgiving Weekend until May, a change that was made in recent years...  But you can still go in and dayhike around.  Last Thursday the autumn leaves seemed to be peaking:

2.  Nocturne was last Saturday! Halifax's Art at Night event which seems to be getting bigger and brighter.   Didn't make it into town but especially loved seeing the pics online  of Kim Danio's shoe sculptures, there are a few featured in this Herald Article

3.  Lentils.  They're high in fiber, high in protein, cheap, make a nice vehicle for anti inflammatory spices like turmeric, and are a good source of folate, iron and lots of other nutrients.  In 2001 I trekked in Nepal for over a month and the standard lunch/dinner at all the guest houses is 'Dal Bhat': lentil Dal with rice (Bhat), typically served with a side of curried cabbage or other vegetable.  Maybe it was the hiking in Keji that had me craving Dal Bhat so I made Dal quinoa with a side of curried cabbage, kale and broccoli.  So good, filling and full of various health benefits.

Unlike other dried beans lentils don't need to be soaked before cooking but I have been anyways, and ending up with leftovers to sprout.  For my dal I soaked green lentils overnight and boiled with a chopped onion, maybe a chopped carrot and/or celery stalk, lots of chopped ginger, garlic and spices including turmeric, cayenne, cumin, black pepper, curry powder, sea salt and coriander seeds; then boil to a spicy paste.

4.  Turmeric and black pepper.  I had no idea black pepper is mostly from India and that using it along with turmeric greatly increases the bio availability of curcumin (the anti inflammatory agent in turmeric, which apparently also fights bad fat cells).  

5.  This article about black seed, aka black cumin, and its health benefits.

6.  This dance video I saw linked on Facebook: "Jackie and Charlie Spotlight Dance

7.  Why gigantic goals will F you up a video by Infinite Waters

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