Monday, January 28, 2013

Revolutionary Ideas - Part 3, A New Slogan, A New Brand

This is just a short one because part 2 was long.  But in watching the videos about fracking elsewhere and GMOs elsewhere, and thinking of the tarsands in Alberta, and recognizing that many people are waking up to the negative environmental impacts of these industries despite the jobs and money they create, I've been thinking about how maybe the government of Nova Scotia could come up with some attractive branding for this province.  Maybe a catchy slogan would help.

how about:

"Come back to Nova Scotia, bring the money you made extracting resources elsewhere or flipping your property to foreign investors, and live the life you've always dreamed of. We promise there will be no fracking or GMOs, and we'll keep this province healthy and safe as can be."

Okay, that might be a bit long to stick on a license plate, but, can you imagine? If the province became a safe haven for jaded environmentalists and other refugees/ex-pats from the rest of Canada? The Nova Scotia Nature Trust could meet everyone at the border with suggestions of land that concerned citizens could purchase to conserve.  The gobs of cash that people could bring by selling their Vancouver or Toronto homes could be invested in new creative small businesses that would add to an increasingly diversified economy.  It's already happening, I've met several "come from aways" who have also chased their dreams to Nova Scotia and stand a chance of creating jobs.   Maybe instead of jealously looking at Alberta and their oil/gas extraction money would could look at other countries that seem to have it together.  Maybe some small European country exists that would be a better model for Nova Scotia's best possibility.  Just a thought.

More revolutionary ideas tomorrow!

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