Monday, May 26, 2014

This Week's Favourite Things! May 19th - May 25th, 2014

1.  Piano.  I love playing piano and have been teaching myself over the past years, interspersed with some awesome lessons.  But now I'm keen on going 'old school' and picking my way through the Royal Conservatory program, scales and everything, and actually learning this instrument properly.  I'm excited and see this as a step towards introducing more discipline and technique in my life.

Speaking of music:

2. Music Inspired by the Group of Seven, an album recorded by the Rheostatics in 1995 to serve as background for the Group of Seven retrospective show.   I really like listening to this while I sculpt and in the interview with a painter strewn threw the album, he talks about the connection between music and art.

3.  The Lunenburg Farmers Market.  It's a nice one!  Nice to be eating local greens as we wait for our lettuce to grow.

4.  The Hat Junkie, and a certain straw hat I have my eye on now.  Had a great chat with this business's owner at the Lunenburg Market where she had her hats displayed, about pricing one's wares as a craftsperson, all the time that goes into making stuff and then selling that stuff, and the fact that if you price your work too low you won't be motivated to work.  Coincidentally I watched a video on this same topic last night. I'm not really into the 'tapping' thing but here it is with a message so many creatives probably need to hear: "How to Charge What You're Really Worth (Even If It Freaks You Out)" with Carol Tuttle.

5. Tendonitis.  I've had pretty bad tendonitis in my right forearm since my pre-Christmas sculpting binge.  Why list it as a favourite thing? Because I decided perhaps it's a sign that my body is rebelling against my art practice.  I iced it, took advil, rested it today but really wanted to finish sculpting these puffin figurines I was making though lamenting the fact that they were taking a long time.  Then I decided, re: point #4, why not make the prices on these more detailed things higher?  As soon as I changed my mind about pricing, the tendonitis went away and I was able to work for a lot longer.  Very odd!  This is totally in line with my idea to make fewer, better things from now on.  I'm so happy to be sculpting again.  Pics coming up in another post later this week. 

6.  Synchronicity lists.  I watched this great video about manifesting stuff during which folks talked about listing synchronicities every day:  Tea Time With Teal Podcast #5 - All About Manifesting. I started doing this this week, and have been noticing more and more.  It's fun, and I agree with the guest, that life can be magical

7.  This blog by Simona Rich.  Lots of good stuff in here.  I got a kick out of reading her story, especially the bit about quitting a telemarketing job.

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