I think Helen was in her 80's already when she decided to design and start building this boat for her 'grand cruise' up the Annapolis River. She's 82 now, good for her! Though building such a vessel would be an accomplishment at any age!
Molly Kool is named for North America's first female sea captain.
You can check out more pics of Helen's process here on the PD (Puddle Duck) Racer website. There are some cool pics there of her peeling bark off the mast and other parts of the boat building process, as well as nice blog posts written by Helen.
It's clearly been a labour of love. Photo credits go to Matt, the partner of awesome watercolour artist, Louise Williams who lives near Helen in Granville Ferry. The captions are from Helen.
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"Pushing away from rocks so I can drift and look for leaks. Tether keeps me near shore, but I had to pole upwind to stay off rocks" |
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"Ashore, grinning with delight." |
Next is a video of Helen "Looking for leaks; now checking where the one leak was last fall"
Awesome! Way to go Helen!
2. This pic from last Thursday's (August 13th) Chronicle Herald, so nice to see work by two of my favourite artists in the Arts section, side by side! This really made me happy all day!
Speaking of art, the pics online of Dwayne Carberry's show "Paintings to Heal the Heart" look lovely, on until the 20th at Dart Gallery. Then on the 21st Versus, a group show, opens with the opening from 7-9.
There's also a food truck party Thursday night, Aug 20, from 7-9 at the Kings Wharf parking lot in Dartmouth.
Also on Thursday Aug 20th: Downtown Artwalk for which Dart Gallery will be open until 8, as well as these Halifax galleries and spaces:
Art 1274, Studio 21, Art Sales and Rental (Teichert Gallery- AGNS), Zwicker’s Gallery, Hermes Gallery, Sugar Shok, The Darkside Café and Gallery, Secord Gallery, ArtZone, Inkwell, Viewpoint Gallery, SHAG Gallery, Puffin Gallery, Eyelevel Gallery (located inside Park Lane Mall), Mary Black Gallery and Argyle Fine Art.
3. Also in the Chronicle Herald last Thursday, yes! an article about parking in Halifax, including the whole 'moved same zone' parking ticket thing I got slapped with in a previous week, though I see that offense conveniently got lumped in under some other term. Good on the Herald for letting people know about this, not every part of the Halifax Regional Municipality has parkades that allow for long term parking.
Speaking of parking, Who wants tourists?? and shoppers?? Lunenburg Does! On the radio while glazing I heard that Lunenburg council is actually slacking off on parking restrictions to be more tourist friendly, by cutting the hours that meters are monitored, as well as offering extended parking (3 hours instead of 2) at meters on key streets. Makes sense if people want to take a tour and shop around.
4. Fiore Botanica's Shampoo! Nice! This shop I mentioned before in Lunenburg has really really nice, homemade small-batch shampoo with organic ingredients, SLS free, that cleans hair without leaving a weird residue. The shopkeepers are pretty picky of making sure nothing carcinogenic goes into their products, and apparently while not technically a carcinogen, there's an issue with how SLS is processed, that potentially involves the use of carcinogens. Not to mention that sulfates aren't great for hair anyways. At $20 - 25 per bottle, depending on the scent, it's pricier than drug store shampoo, however, it works so well you only need a small amount, and there's no need to use conditioner. I tried out the Cleopatra Blend and it's very nice! A friend got some as well and likes it too! Suddenly I'm reminded of this commercial from the 70's... They also offer great shipping rates! free shipping on orders $50 and over in Canada, and on orders $150 and over in the US which would get Americans a lot of stuff considering how low our dollar is right now.
5. Found out about this on twitter: Dakeyne Farm has Nova Scotia's first Sunflower Maze, located on Hwy 1 just after Windsor and well before Wolfville if heading from Halifax to the valley. The maze is open every sunny day in August, 10 - 7, $10 adults, $5 for kids 3 - 12, kids 3 and under are free. That must be beautiful. Here's their facebook page.
6. Peas and Beans. There are lots of them this year to trim, steam and freeze.
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Sugar snap peas! these vines are well over 6 feet tall, started from last year's saved seeds |
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Just some of the bush beans ready for picking |
7. Biff the Barn Snake. This past week when the bisque kiln was cooling down Brendan and I went into the shed and he spotted a snake curled up behind a bowl on the work bench where I glaze stuff, and named him Biff the Barn Snake. Biff was patient enough to pose for a photo shoot, there happened to be a pottery sponge there for scale. We haven't seen him since though. There is, however, less rodent poop than usual around the building.
8. This youtube video lecture about a doctor that develops MS but then manages to heal herself with an anti-inflammatory diet. Nice. How I Went From Wheelchair To Walking by Dr. Terry Wahls.
9. This was good too: How Food Affects Your Brain. by Dr. Drew Ramsay (youtube video).
10. This documentary on Netflix: The True Cost. Woah. Hard to watch, but well done. It's about the human rights and environmental abuses that have allowed us our cheap clothing, and makes second-hand clothes shopping look like a good idea.
11. I started this whole "Favourite Things" weekly post over a year ago to cheer myself out of a depression that stemmed from some upsetting circumstances. This led to a whole delving into the topic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy. But things are good now! phew. This will be the last time it'll include articles on this topic in my "favourite things" post. Instead I'm going to revisit another post I start last October (The Behavioural Ecology of Sociopaths and How to Save the World), and include any further helpful links I find there. I'll also edit in links to all the helpful things I found from all the posts in between that one and this one, with a note at the top as to when the post was last updated.
I still think this whole issue of people running around with no conscience, for whatever reason, whether it is mental or physical illness, early childhood circumstances, genetics, addiction, nutrient deficiency, parasites, some sort of alien invasion, alien parasites, whatever, is at the core of anything icky happening in the world from our banking system, factory farming, slave labour fashion industry, all sorts of corruption, ponzi schemes, etc.
As the first article below mentions though, going on and on about narcissism makes you run the risk of looking like a narcissist because accusing others of narcissism is something a narcissist would do. Oh well.
To those lucky enough to have not been impacted by someone with this issue, or who maybe have been but have not realized yet how they've been duped - in my case it was a few run-ins with this personality type before I saw what was happening and why I've been susceptible - I can see that going on about the topic for weeks on end maybe would make one look like a whacko. Hence the decision to corral any further links into one spot on this blog from now on. I think survivors, who tend to be empathic, which is how they get suckered in the first place, get so excited about sharing their stories and researching the topic in order to help themselves and help prevent others from suffering.
So here are the links to stuff I enjoyed this past week:
When Narcissists Claim to be the Victim of Narcissists - Who is the narcissist? Really good blog post full of links.
How to take revenge on a narcissist - youtube video by Spartan Life Coach. Very nice, though the word "revenge" is a bit loaded from a karma standpoint, it's really more about making peace than taking revenge IMO.
How Covert Narcissists Brainwash Their Victims - youtube video by Spartan Life Coach.
Effects of Narcissistic Abuse - youtube video by Spartan Life Coach
Narcissistic Abuse: From Victim to Survivor in 6 Steps youtube video by Sam Vaknin. Sam Vaknin is a self-aware psychopath who now educates others on this issue. This video has a lot of great points.
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