So it's been a few weeks since I posted pics of the garden... We were away for a few days and I came back surprised to see how much things have grown! Seeing as this year we haven't even really tried to garden it makes me excited for next year, when we'll be able to try growing all kinds of other vegetables too!
We finally had a couple days of much needed rain, here are some progress pics I just took:

A view of the garden looking to the right, deer had gotten into the squash so we put up some fencing to discourage them. The pumpkin patch is in the foreground.
View of the part of the garden where we folded back the plastic. Currants, broccoli, kale, beans, squash - everything grew a lot!
Squash patch gone wild... zucchini, acorn, butternut, buttercup, spaghetti... I'm already picking zucchinis and looking up recipes.
The teepees that Brendan built are starting to fill in with pole beans.
Beep Beep the cat, fierce huntress and protector of the garden. She always follows me down to it to check on her catnip patch and look for rodents. She's posing with some pots of cilantro.
The basil is getting big, will soon be time to make pesto.
Shot of the pumpkin patch which is getting really big, with a few young pumpkins started already.
The herb garden is filling in with mint and oregano, catnip and one lavender plant. I'll be expanding this! Hot mint tea is delicious, you can just put fresh chopped mint in a bodum and steep it like you're making coffee. It's good chilled with honey too.
Giant Russian Sunflowers and onions, the onions aren't doing so well but the sunflowers are getting bigger.
Our poor tomato patch... after the bad experience with poor soil and some cold weather, they were starting to grow a lot! But then deer came along and topped about 2/3 - 3/4 of the tomato plants we had. This one has some fruit at least, so we'll get some tomatoes but not the truckload I was hoping for. Next year!
Delicious harvest, zucchini, kale and some herbs. I didn't realize exactly how good kale is for you until I looked it up. It has a lot of vitamin K among other good things.
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