Saturday, February 16, 2013

Revolutionary Ideas Part 15 - Live within your means, retire early!

Okay, so my posting frequency is declining but that doesn't mean I'm not still full of ideas, just been distracted by a big one (more will be revealed).

One of my favourite shows is "Til Debt Do Us Part" hosted by Gail Vaz Oxlade on Slice TV (a Canadian station).  If, like us, you don't have cable, you can watch a link to watch episodes online here

Til Debt Do Us Part

Hopefully this works outside of Canada!

The thing I find surprising about this show is how many people with fat incomes don't realize they're spending a tonne of money; more than they earn in the cases on this show.  I think this is because having a job is expensive.  Unless you work from home, you have to get to it, and for a lot of people this means driving and all the associated costs of keeping a car.  And then, because you're away from home, it is harder to cook everything from scratch and shop less frequently.  Plus there's the whole temptation to go get fancy coffees, lunches, a drink after work, little rewards for renting the hours of your life to other people, it all adds up.

I remember the turning point for me when I realized I had to get out of my last "real job" working for a conservation organization in BC. I was so jaded from spending my days in a office, it was a very nice office but the windows didn't open, that I'd quit cycling to work regularly and would usually drive.  Then I began going through the McDonald's drive through on my way to work, for a McGriddle sandwich and, tasty as they are, it occurred to me that I was NOT being a very good "conservation biologist".   Rather I felt like I was living a lie, especially when I factored in that I didn't think my salary was sustainable, but I won't get into that.

That was just over 8 years ago, and now that I've finally moved to a chunk of land I feel a lot healthier and happier.  And I've realized, for me, the less I work (outside the home) the less I spend.

So on to today's topic, I found this amazing blog! Which makes me feel like I've found "My People".  What if we all make life changes that allowed us to have more free time?  Or less driving/consuming?  Maybe if we all let up on the earth a bit we wouldn't need to extract as much stuff from it.

Personally, I'm glad I don't have a mustache, but here it is:

Mr. Money Mustache

The fellow who writes this blog quit working a real job the same year as me! 2005, also in his thirties.  He seems quite a bit more organized though! 

There are so many amazing posts and tips on this blog! I'm still exploring the whole thing.  There's an excellent forum area full of like-minded people with interesting topics.

One of my favourites is this article:

The True Cost of Commuting

Maybe with the cheap cost of land in NS as well as being a target for Seniors, some of these Refugee Mustachians from other places would consider settling in this province and creating interesting communities.  More reason not to frack it up and ruin all our fresh water!!

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