Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Revolutionary Ideas Part 21 - conclusion

So I haven't updated my blog for awhile and figured I'd start by ending my 'revolutionary ideas' series.  I had a pile of other topics to consider, eg. why people should buy local pottery, why it makes sense to set family and close friends up in "rent to own" scenarios for both homes and businesses, why dig up your lawn and plant vegetables etc.  But in thinking about all of this, I began to think, "meh." and I realized there's something in the whole concept of "being the change you want to see in the world".  So instead of spending time listing stuff off I've been focused on walking my own talk. This includes making the garden bigger and more exciting, looking after my own health, paying attention to our own household consumption of everything, eliminating unnecessary car trips, thinking about the home range size of some of our primate relatives and considering ways I can live even more "locally", use alternative energy sources, and get my ecological footprint down into the 10 acre homestead on which I live.  I've also been rethinking the whole point of my art practice, which will be shared in future posts, starting today!

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