Thursday, February 19, 2015

This Week's Favourite Things! February 9th - February 15th

 1. More about Hermetic Laws.  Been reading up on this since finding out about it last week and especially liked this Infinite Waters video explaining them.  

2.  Looking into the Hermetic Laws let to me looking into Alchemy which was more popular than I realized.  For example I had no idea Isaac Newton was an alchemist!  Here's an interesting Teal Swan video explaining Alchemy.

3. The Healthy Bug in Halifax. This is a great place to get herbal supplements and various healthy things, super friendly helpful staff.  They do a 'Mad Monday' first Monday of each month where regular priced items in the store are 15% off.  I'm still cleansing and picked up some Black Walnut Hull and Wormwood; 2 key ingredients in parasite cleanses.  I also got advised on some good B12 supplements to support the weeks of being a raw vegan; they made my cravings for beef go away.  For anyone interested in parasite cleansing, highly recommended taking the parasite killing herbs, they stopped the crazy die off symptoms I was having of feeling things crawling around.

4. Clove tea.  Clove is supposed to be great for killing off parasite eggs and I read on line somewhere suggesting one could make a tea by simmering cloves in water on the stove.  I threw in some cinnamon, cardamom and ginger and it doesn't taste great but not terrible either, and more pleasant than swallowing ground cloves.  Hopefully its working.

5. The Humaworm website.  This is a great resource for people looking at parasite cleansing, with various informative pages.  Their products are herbal and seem reasonably priced and effective from what I've read on various other sites.  I haven't tried their products yet but am thinking about it when I use up the Black Walnut Hull and Wormwood tinctures.

6.  The movie Anna which is available on Canadian Netflix.   Could be an enjoyable watch for folks who feel like they may have been bamboozled by a psychopath.  

7.  The Truth (part one).  In cleansing I've noticed I've become a lot less fearful, and, where this blog is my space to express myself there are few key details I've kept mum about that have really been bothering me over the past few years and I've decided, why not just blog about them.  What have I been afraid exactly?  Nobody hardly reads my blog anyhow and I think sharing a few things I've kept secret will make me feel better, like it's part of the cleansing process. 

Whatever.  Here's a start.  

When I first arrived in Halifax in October 2008 I was a wreck.  I had broken my back jumping out of my burning house in Regina the year prior, shattering my L1 and L2 vertebrae and was still healing from a spinal fusion operation.   The fire took place in June 2007 and not only engulfed my character house in flames, but burnt down the 2 houses on either side of mine. I spent about 9 days in hospital following the operation.  My 2 roommates/friends were injured in the fire as well as all 3 of us jumped out of windows at 3am, but being the homeowner I was glad to have the most serious injuries.  For a few months following the operation, I had to wear a chair back brace and walk with a cane, and while it was painful I was glad I could walk.  I'm extremely grateful that Regina has such an excellent health care system and I had a top notch surgeon.  

The fire had occurred right before I was scheduled to go visit my parents in BC so I had to miss the trip.  Unfortunately about a month after my accident my father took a very bad stroke and died a month later.  He and I were very close and this was devastating but oddly because of my back injury I had to delay the grieving process.  I stayed in Regina for over a year, but the relationship that led me there had ended, and the Art School I attended there was rather awful.  I made some good friends that I miss, but there wasn't much keeping me there.  I had been thinking about moving east for years and decided it was time to make the move.

When I arrived in Halifax in October 2008 I was a broken grieving mess and knew nobody except my real estate agent who has since become a good friend.

I had issues with PTSD before my house fire, due to various other life experiences, but the events of 2007 made things quite a bit worse.  I did have a good insurance policy from the house fire but for various reasons I've been figuring out, felt guilty about having it.  

I met someone years ago who is a student of Buddhism who told me "when you gain in riches the thieves will come".  I think this is very true.  

Looking back on various events of 2010 - 2014 from a Hermetic Law point of view, I think my injury and grief had put me in a "low vibrational state" which led me to attracting the experiences I did. Today I no longer feel like a victim, though I've felt that way at times.  It feels like the parasite cleansing I've been doing is helping to that end, as feelings of victimization are being replaced with feelings of connection to the world around me.  

So writing about my experience isn't an attempt to throw a 'pity party'.  Everyone goes through hard times, and I feel like I'm emerging from the other side of mine.  It is more to make sense of what happened because I did something that I've since felt incredibly embarrassed about and I'm thinking blogging about it might be a way to help me get over it and move forward.  

I also think when we share our stories it can be helpful to others who have gone through similar experiences.  It could make people feel less isolated, I know I felt better after reading certain books.

I did a bit of reading up on victims today and why they stay silent. It's a lot to do with fear, shame and a loss of pride over letting oneself be duped.  But now that I'm feeling a return to the physically healthy person I used to be, in my former life as a biologist in BC, I'm feeling rather fearless these days.

That's enough for a start.

8.  This Teal Swan video about how to let go of mistakes

9.  Thinking about secrets made me get the catchy script of this old US forces training cartoon stuck in my head.  It was written by Dr. Suess and animated by Chuck Jones.  Private SNAFU - Spies 1943 


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