Tuesday, July 28, 2015

This Week's Favourite Things! Monday July 20 - Sunday July 26th, 2015

1. Raspberries. Yum!

2.  This Mind Valley article about "quantum jumping" - a meditation technique dreamed up by Burt Goldman who is in his 80's and was formerly an instructor for the Silva method.  Fun idea!  Burt has done some impressive things like learning piano and becoming an artist in his 80's.

3.  This coming Friday July 31 is a Blue Moon! 2nd full in a month.  Here's a nice Elephant Journal article about it.  I'd been reading up on using moon cycles for manifesting and this coming moon could be a good one!

4.  This pic by Gali's Healthy Kitchen of an older chicken bowl I made with some of Gali's delicious raw vegan food, that she shared on social media this past week.  Artistically arranged by Gali's artistic daughter Evgenia, thanks guys that was a nice surprise!  Gali can be found on Saturdays at the Halifax Seaport Market and is a great source of knowledge on healthy eating. 

Evgenia has an amazing show of stunning new paintings of Peggy's Cove opening at the Teichert Gallery this coming Saturday,  here's a sneak peek of most of the paintings on the gallery flickr page but there are a few more paintings yet to come. 

5.  This video about more impending economic collapse blah blah blah that I didn't even listen to because I was too busy enjoying all the comments by MissCattitude63 below it.

6.  More stuff about narcissism and psychopathy - becoming aware of having experienced being screwed over by these types of people is like having Chicken Pox, it seems to bring immunity and an ability to spot the same condition all around; within society, within government, media, and within all sorts of business and personal relationships.  Maybe for the upcoming Blue Moon a nice thing to manifest would be a global awakening to this dynamic for everyone on both sides, leading to more awareness world peace... rah rah rah.

Stuff I enjoyed this past week while  underglazing:

Clockwork Orange Penguins, Narcissistic Abuse and CPTSD, a youtube video of a google hangout by the Spartan Life Coach, it gets juicy in the middle where he points out how we've all been brainwashed by the media

Narcissism Liars - Youtube video

Narcissism - Narcissistic Double Victimization.  Youtube video

The Narcissist's Social Circle  Youtube Video 

Narcissism Why We Can't Win.  Youtube video

The Narcissist Smirk, Smile and Grin of Satisfaction - Youtube video

Narcissists - Five Powerful Ways Narcissists Get Inside Your Head - Youtube video

A take on the narcissist/target dynamic from the 'everything is energy' point of view:  Abraham Hicks No One Ever Does Anything to You That is Not Active in Your Vibration.  More reason to heal/raise one's vibration and set some boundaries...(boundary setting video from Sam Vaknin, self aware Narcissist/Psychopath)

7.   Corporations are Psychopaths With Zero Degree of Empathy - a Natural News article listing off evidence on this topic. 

 I got interested in this after getting a "Moved Same Zone" parking ticket in Halifax over a week ago while visiting friends from out of province that were staying at a B&B near Dalhousie University. 

 FYI if you park in a 2 hour spot you need to move your car out of the zone completely - a zone is defined by a stop sign or another break with a no parking sign.  You can't just move to another spot on the same part of the block. 

 This ancient bylaw began being enforced within the past year, apparently to the dismay of many people living in 2 hr zone areas. 

 Parking enforcement is privatized (surprise!) so good luck talking your way out of a ticket even if there are lots of legal parking spots all along the block.  

The attendant will say there's nothing they can do, the clerk at the HRM office will let you fill out a form after which you can expect a call from someone working in enforcement reviewing complaints saying that unless you let the ticket lapse, risk paying 60 instead of 25 dollars, and spend the time and money to travel to court, there's nothing you can do either.  Nice.  Great way to confuse tourists from other parts of Canada where it's legal to move your car to another part in a zone to avoid a ticket. 

 It also means that if you live or are visiting in one of these neighbourhoods, you  can only leave your car in the same 'zone' for 2 hours within a 24 hour period, I imagine that might get hard to keep track of. 

IMO if Halifax is trying to encourage people to vacation and/or move there for university or work, over zealous parking enforcers enforcing laws that require more explanation than current signage may be doing the city more harm than good.

 As an aside, there was a hilarious letter to the editor in Saturday's Chronicle Herald suggesting that maybe the entire government of Nova Scotia ought to be privatized.  Why not!

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