Sunday, April 20, 2014

This Week's Favourite Things! April 14th - April 20th, 2014

 1.  "Tropic to Tropic Plants" located in a backyard in South Delta BC. I was in BC visiting family and was lucky to stumble across this place, which is owned by a fellow who has been interested in tropical plants since he was a teenager.  Here I picked up my next 2 favourite things of the week:

2. Mulberry trees.  Ray, owner of the above mentioned business only gets about 100 of these trees every four years from a supplier in the states, I scooped up the shortest four to package up to take home with me.  He ships them across Canada.  So excited! I've only ever tried dried white mulberries from Bulk Barn but they were very tasty.

3. Pawpaw trees. I had no idea PawPaws could grow in Canada but apparently they can. In fact I only ever read about them once as a kid in a Louis L'amour western novel that my dad had.  Now I have 5 small trees of four different varieties, very excited to start a small pawpaw plantation as they sound really delicious though we'll likely have to figure out how to pollinate them by hand.

4. The four cherry trees we planted last year.  The deer have left them alone so far, they have lots of buds and are growing... pretty excited this bodes well for the other trees that will be joining them in the field.

5.  I found out about this website via Laura Carter Art on Twitter (@LauraCarterArt).  It appears to be a completely free way to build an online store.  So this is my new project; my blog now has an "Art for Sale" page but there are still tonnes of pieces to photograph and upload.  It's gardening time so this might take me awhile but I'm excited about giving online art sales a try.

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