Tuesday, September 1, 2015

This Week's Favourite Things! Monday August 23rd - Sunday August 30th

1.  Collapsing Empires and failing central banks in a world awash with unpayable debts - youtube video of Max Kaiser interviewing Charles Hugh Smith.  

Despite the title this was actually sort of cheerful and maybe even makes Nova Scotia with all it's small farms, crafters and breweries etc look cutting edge and poised to emerge from the rubble of whatever this foolish fiat global ponzi banking thing is that we've all been sold.

2.  Speaking of how cutting edge Nova Scotia is for banning fracking,  this youtube X22 Report Spotlight was interesting.  At approx 14:30 minutes in,  Andrew Hoffman calls out Shale oil as being the most over leveraged commodities in the world, up there with the ghost cities in China.  "Shale Oil is the high cost oil of the world financed by 500 billion dollars of junk bonds and leveraged loans".  Yep.  Possibly not worth risking the potability of the province's water over.

3.  Harperman!  For those who may have thought Canada was a free country, with free speech, think again!  Apparently Big Brother is watching.  

Tony Turner, a bird biologist working for the federal government wrote a bouncy folksy protest song pointing out obvious truths about our Prime Minister, aka Chairman Harper, and got laid off with pay while the matter was investigated.  

This investigation pretty much validates the content of the song and inadvertently made something that was largely unnoticed into international news.

Check out Tony's Harperman song here on youtube, and notice that, last I checked, only 3% of viewers dislike it! Interesting statistic!

This sparked a debate, Can Public Servants be Political Activists? (link to a cbc article).

Wow!  Tony Turner, once again, is a bird biologist.  He is being paid by our taxes to protect the environment.  I won't get into bill C51, the wholesale opening up of Canada's water courses to exploitation, and all the other anti-environmental stuff Harper is known for, muzzling scientists and whatnot.  In my opinion Tony is doing a great job of attempting to protect the environment with this song by calling Harper out.  

Hats off to Tony, this oppression from Harper is exactly why I washed my hands in my 'formal' conservation biologist career 10 years ago when I realized big business interests intermingled with politicians who cater to this run the show in this country.  Sorry, birds.  Rock on, Tony. Kudos for channeling your frustration into something creative. 

Tony has been using his leave to host a Canada-wide singalong of his song on September 17th.  More information, song lyrics and chords are available on the Harperman website.  And here's the Facebook Invite.   There are some interesting comments on this event page by people afraid of facing consequences (eg, cut off funding) for joining the event publicly.  Fortunately someone has provided a Stephen Harper mask template for other government workers to wear.

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